The Blog Challenge
The Challenge is a semi-yearly held event held by yours truly. It is a friendly competition between a group of volunteers to attempt to write a post every day for an entire month. I came up with this idea as a way to keep myself writing and to get others to write with me too. The rules are simple: post every single day. There is no word floor, no requirements, just a post every day. Last year my posts varied from one picture to an entire essay. If interested just let me know via email, comments etc.
The last competition took place in February, 2015.
February 2015 Champions:
(Davina) Dot @
(Ben) Spongebob @
(Erica) Carmen Sandiego @
(Haleigh) Dee Dee @
(Will) Patrick Star @
September 2012 Champions:
(Stevie) The Napster @
(Davina) Ms. Teri @
(Emmie) Emmy Nems @
(Na'chelle) Chosen One @
(Tiffany) The Tooth Fairy @
(Bethany) Twinkle Toes @
(Ben) Speculum @
January 2012 Champions:

June 2011 Champion:
Simeon - &
Emmie @ Nyesh Nyesh Indeed & Flame and Ash
Isaac @ In His Presence
PianoWizzy @ PianoWizzy Rambles
Na'chelle @ Through My Eyes &
Davina @ Rainstorms &
Megan @ I Like It When You Make Sentences
Jeremy @ From Me to You
Steven @ Stefanostan
Nathan @ a few things
Caroline @
Dani @ His Peculiar Treasures
Moriah @ The Lord is My Teacher
Tiffany @
Aaron @
Tirzah @
Jon @ http://storiesandshortworks.
Allen @
Haleigh @
Erica @
6 Tid-Bits:
Count me in!
One question: can you "stockpile" a bunch of posts in one day (saving them as drafts) so that if you don't have time one day, you can just publish one of your drafts? Does that still count? Or do you have to literally write one per day?
Absolutely. Stockpiling is allowed and even encouraged.
I heard about this and now I really wanna try! sign me up!
If I may suggest, I think that this page could be organized in terms of "January 2012 Participants/Champions, etc." instead of "current" and "recent." That way you can hold a bunch of these challenges, but not just erase the evidence of previous achievements every time you have a new one.
I'm in! Jo
Awesome! Excited for February. :D
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