"If I died today, it would be no great loss to myself. If you died today, I would be forced to endure pain."
That has been my Gmail status since last night and this morning a couple of my friends responded to it.
steve dont talk about you dying cause i would die of sorrow
I was just thinking lol
if the best part of you is me
if I die..
i g2g i just wanted you to know it would be rlly bad if u died
Ik. I don't plan on dying any time soon 

It's good to know that people don't want you to die (:P) and yet I look forward to the day when I can meet my savior, the one I've served my life to please.
As I told my one friend, "If I was dead, I would go to Christ and feel no more pain or hardship.."
He responded with this, "yeah....by staying alive we got the crappy deal"
God knows why he chose to save us. He didn't have to do it. There was not one reason that he had to create us or save us. He did it out of love and for his own glory. I can't appreciate why, or ever understand why. The Spirit, Son, and Father were perfectly happy in their trinity.
Can anyone explain why?
No. And even in heaven I don't know if I'll truly comprehend why the Father chose us. Us. Lowly servants of the Lord Almighty. Let him that has ears hear.
God knows why he chose to save us. He didn't have to do it. There was not one reason that he had to create us or save us. He did it out of love and for his own glory. I can't appreciate why, or ever understand why. The Spirit, Son, and Father were perfectly happy in their trinity.
Can anyone explain why?
No. And even in heaven I don't know if I'll truly comprehend why the Father chose us. Us. Lowly servants of the Lord Almighty. Let him that has ears hear.
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