Frisbee and stuff coolz. bai.

HEY. So, I'm doing the college thing right now. I think it's called applying. I'm not really sure, I do know I get to fill in a lot of bubbles though. BUBBLES. If you like bubbles, AP tests must be like a field full of flowers. What if on AP tests, instead of using paper bubbles, we used bubble wrap and then popped the bubble corresponding to your answer. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME. Now my brain is interfering:
Brain: Hey, you know that would be really distracting.
Me: No, it wouldn't.
Brain: Yes it would.
Brain: shuddup idjit.

My brain isn't very nice to me. He's a derpity pants.

IN OTHER NEWS, there was this lady from Swarthmore at school the other day, and she was like: "You can start any club you want!" and I was all like: "OH RLY?" and she then relayed that someone who didn't even belong on their campus had started a Quidditch team. Or as Blogger decides to autocorrect that word a Chappaquiddick team. A team of murdering senators driving cars? Now THAT sounds like fun.

So I decided, when I finally get excommunicated... err... accepted to one of these colleges I'm going to go to Swarthmore and start a frisbee team. Even though none of my colleges are related to Swarthmore in any way shape or form. I'll just walk in and be like "YO SON. WE GONNA DISK UP IN HEEYA." But, when I proposed my brilliance to one of my friends she was like "EXCEPT Swarthmore has a Frisbee team" because she always has to win. So I said that's okay, because it probably sucks so I can just start another one. I'll just swagger in all casual like this

and make a NEW TEAM and they'll all come flocking to me because that's pretty much how my life works.

ehehehe. YES IT DOES. NO BRAIN. weiugegriyjeiojh. Lost control of hands for a moment there.

So, I was just told that Hugh Jackman is my spirit animal. I'm really excited about this. I mean, it's not everyone that gets to have Wolverine as their spirit animal. I also decided that he is the most oily man that I can of off the top of my head. Jacob stand back because Hugh has you beat by a twenty foot whipping rod. Ow, that would really hurt.

That was on a site for how to become a Swede. Lordie, I'm certainly not going near Switzerland.

Quote of Yesterday:
"One does not simply edit Cajua's vocals."

Race of the day: Asian
(Oh, who am I kidding. It's the race of the century, says the Anglo-Saxon white male.)


1 Tid-Bits:

Bee said...

Um. This post is amazing. The randomness... but seriously, your writing is just really fun to read.

And (drumroll please) I started an unofficial Nerf swordfighting club at my university. It's amazing how many college kids will suddenly act like little kids when faced with the possibility of smiting people they've never met. It's also really fun to walk into your final class of the day carrying Nerf swords.

Just my thoughts. :P

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