How Long?

How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? 
How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?
How long O LORD? This is my prayer,
Living day to day, un-exalting despair.
How long O LORD? My arms feel weak,
I've been praying every day for a matter of weeks.
How long O LORD? Till you reach in my heart,
life is at me, pulling, trying to tear me apart.

How long O LORD... How long?

Time goes by but misery stays.
Will I be walking on a treadmill till the end of my days?
There used to be a time when I saw the light,
at the end of the tunnel, but that light's been smite.
I know you're there, cause I've felt you before,
even now you must be working, but I'm as blind as a door.

I used to live with such a passion for eternity's start,
But now not even that can put a spark in this heart.
Words go in one ear and out of the other,
with not a change in between to make me a better lover.
The moments of relief are brief and dim,
they don't last long, and they're gone with the wind.

I don't know if it is something that I've done wrong,
or if it's just that you are teaching me to sing a different song.
The same old tune, the same old case,
a different politics but the same old face.
If I'm doing something wrong, then God just make it clearer,
don't leave me here to suffer, without your Spirit drawing nearer.

I don't want to wrong you, maybe once I did,
but I'm earnestly seeking you, will you open my eyelids?
Things have been dark for a while now.
I don't feel the opposition, but I know it's around.
I need to hear your word, not just take it through my ears,
but have it strike a chord, in the midst of my tears.

I'm an emotional guy, you made me that too,
and to the people who are reading this, you know it to be true.
I need you to sweep me, make it the whole of my being,
to be enamored with you, that's my spirit-driven pleading.
God, I'm not complacent. It's not who I am.
I need your passion pulling me to shape me like the Lamb.


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