Enlightened Conversation (Aka talking to Tim)

 This is my conversation with Tim: nough' said

Steviedude the Brit Lit work is takign foreeever
 Tim: I'm actually just starting, my last homeworks
 Stevie: oh dear.
 Tim: worst case scenario I do some works tommorrow
 Stevie: I wish you luck my friend.
 Tim: Luck is not necessary. I shall shred this assignment with SKILL B-)
 Stevie: I thought you didn't like poetry? xD
 Tim: Poetry is fine, I usually prefer novels though. I hate writing poetry. My thoughts are too grand to fit in these small          confines you know as meter and rhyme! 
 Cookie cutters waste so much cookie! They are a silly tool I choose not to use just like poetry!
 Stevie: xD
  I have no idea how that happens xD
 Tim: You know its true
 Stevie: I've never wasted any cookie with cookie cutters..
 Tim: you have all the edges left behind
 Stevie: you peel them off
 Tim: and if you want to reuse them you got to roll them up and start over
 Stevie: and make a new cookie
 Tim: it takes so much time to fit so much cookie into your restraints
 Stevie: yup
 Tim: It can be done but its not worth it!
 Stevie: but it is beautiful.
 Stevie: lol
  hunks of blob
  randomly scattered
  all over the tray
 Tim: What did you do to my cookies? I didn't leave them like that!
 Stevie: lol
  it's like impressionist painting
 Tim: You left a poor impression with your painting
 Stevie: no one really likes it
  the painters were just to lazy to do anything else
 Tim: Now but my cookies back the way they were or I'll eat them without sharing!
 Besides its the taste people truly care about
 Stevie: not always lol
 Tim: in the time it takes you to make a batch of your "beautiful cookies" I'll have made a larger abundance of ugly cookies that have the same value
 Stevie: I didn't eat guacomoli for years because it looked disgusting.
 Tim: you and your aesthetically pleasing meals can go rot in a corning for all I care >_>
  Who makes a meal out of cookies anyway, that just silly, your going to make someone sick
  Now see what You've done? everyone is suffering because of you
 Stevie: lol
 Tim: Unlike me, I ate all my cookies
  So only I suffered at the hands of my art
  A true artists suffers for his work!
  I'm pretty sure a famous person said that
 Stevie: you're procrastinating xD
 Tim: at a time, and a place
 Now your trying to change the subject because you lost in this contest of cookies
 Stevie: no I was making myself a sandwich
  and I ate it
  and now
  I don't know.
 Tim: But did you SUFFER for that sandwich?
 Stevie: I should probably finish my last assignment so I can study for AP xD
  Can joy be so intense that it causes numbness or pain?
Tim: Maybe
 Stevie: lol
  it's the question I'm addressing in Brit Lit
  that's exactly what it asks of the poem xD
 Tim: I bet you didn't use cookie cutters on that sandwhich?
 and yet you still got a good result
 Stevie: it was a so-so sandwich
  would have been better if had been cookie cuttered
 Tim: You see you need to suffer for your art
  be unique
 Stevie: Except that
 Stevie: it really
  should be
  a sandwich cutter
  not a cookie cutter
 Tim: your silly cookie cutter solutions will get you no where
 Stevie: not true
 Tim: trying to fit every problem into you one silly solution
 Stevie: very relevant
 Tim: that is the true meaning of insanity
 Stevie: it's the concept
  that is relevant
 Tim: You and your silly cookie cutter concepts
 Stevie: People love aesthetically pleasing stuff
 Tim: Don't try your sense make on me boy! It won't work!
 Stevie: look is half the value
 Tim: I am completely immune to logic
 Stevie: why do you dress up for interviews?
 Tim: YES exactly!
  Look is half the value of the actual cookie
  so spend time improving the cookie itself which is twice the value of looks
 Stevie: lol
  that's impossible
  you can only make a cookie so good
 Tim: Its impossible because you have decided it as such
 Stevie: it would take
  upon hours
 Tim: your silly cookie cutter solution have no room for true improvement
 Stevie: even years
  to perfect
 Tim: and that is why it fails
 Stevie: what would meet the aesthetic value
  it CAN be improved in taste
  WHILE looking GOOD.
 Tim: you see your looking at this the wrong way
  IT WILL be improved
 Stevie: is there a right way?
 Tim: There certainly is a left way
 Stevie: indeed.
 Tim: so it only stands to reason
 Stevie: but
 Tim: that your a LEFTY!
 Stevie: does that mean there is an up way?
  or perhaps a down?
  is this a 360 degree solution?
  or should we move it onto the z axis?
 Tim: yup
  you and your silly cookie cutter solution is a 360 solution
  you just spin around hoping to find the answer
  but you just end up where you started
 Stevie: and your solution?
  progress cannot be withdrawn
  it can be halted
  even stopped
  by it never returns to exactly the same palce
  no two things will ever be one
 Tim: Yes, therefore your not making progress
 Stevie: but*
 Tim: your cookie cutter cookies will all by the same in the end
 Stevie: yes but uniformity is delicious applied appropriately
 Tim: Yes, when your inspiration stagnates your cookie cutter cookies become delivious
  but only because you have not tasted the wonders of true progress not limited by your silly cutters
 Stevie: cutters are not limiting
  they are boundries
  in which true growth can be developed
  like God's word
 Tim: Bounderies are good
  by alll encompassing bounderies are not
 Stevie: he gives us boundaries in which we best grow
 Tim: limited your growth downwards is yes
  but upwards, no
 Stevie: Cookies best grow in 3d cookie cutters.
  in which
  you can create
  a mold
 Tim: even in god our growth has no limits when it comes to being closer to him
 Stevie: that will be
  the size
  of jupiter
  in the shape
  a telephone
 Tim: that silly cookies is going to fall over and dies
  it is unstable
 Stevie: but space will suspend it
 Tim: too much weight on such a small surface
  a coin is stable
 Stevie: and then I can be the first man on the COOKIE
 Tim: a tall stack of coins is ridiculously hard to achieve
  that cookie will fall
  my cookies will continue to gro
 Stevie: does the earth fall?
 Tim: grow*
  no, but its not a large star shaped pole now is it?
  God didn't cookie cut this planet
 Stevie: star shaped pole?
 Tim: who made it specially for us
 so unique and wonderful, not just a repeated stamp
 Stevie: explain the star shaped pole comment xD
 Tim: My cookie will continue to improve until the day we realize the stupidity of this conversation
 Stevie: which was
 Tim: start shaped cookie cutters are common
 Stevie: a long time ago
  which is why I would never use one
 Tim: you make it really tall and I pretty much consider it a pole
  you take something long and thin its a pole
 Stevie: lol
  poles are straight
 Tim: apply cookie cutter to it its probably a start, or a christmas treee
 Stevie: they don't curve
 Tim: or maybe an ugly santa
  they always come out weird
 Stevie: rofl
 Tim: its no wonder they get covered over with chocolate frosting
 Stevie: xD
 Tim: who wants to eat a big red fat guy?
 Stevie: ahahaha
 Tim: I've red the poem
  the descriptions of that guys face are just not natural
  cherry cheeks and such?
 Stevie: xD
 some people have cheery red cheeks
  such as
  Isaac Adams..
  oh wait
  that's not natural nvm.
 Tim: Well I'll get back to work
 Stevie: mhm
 Tim: seeing as this conversation has strayed so far from its original purpose
 Stevie: may your cookies grow and propser.
 Tim: may you realize the error of your ways and prosper you giant pole shaped cookies
 Stevie: ahahahAHAHHA

Enlightened Conversation Part II

 Tim: My goodness your picture changed!
Was your new picture inspired by our earlier conversation of poetry, cookies, cookie cutters, progress, direction, and god?
Stevie: nope lol
  it was inspired by my status xD
  plus the old one was freaking me out..
 Tim: I mean seriously look at it, the Aurora Borealis is one of the most beautiful things that occur on the planet.
 Yet its so spontaneous and flowing and full of seemingly random patterns
  You don't see no generic cookie cutter shapes out of that now do you?
 Stevie: lol
  you would
  I looks like a Christmas tree to me.
  Just sayin'
2:58 PM Tim: Its not shaped or confined by our silly human limitations on our creative prowess, but expands and is ever changing. That still life photo does not truly do it justice.
  It is always moving, not one constant fixture that you would have it and other creations boxed into
  No I will not stop ranting
 Stevie: I don't want my cookies moving, thank you very much.
2:59 PM Tim: I'm on a roll!
  You want you cookies to maintain their shape?
  Well by the time you finish eating them, let me tell you, they will not be the same shape as when you cut them out
 Stevie: you could swallow them whole
 Tim: and if they were, well... thats just wrong
3:00 PM You still digest them
 Stevie: or have them reform
  in your stomach
 Tim: See, your being so limiting
 Stevie: and multiply
  they can
  take over your immune system
  and become a parasitic disease
 Tim: All the most beautiful natural structures are not stuck in your silly way of thinking
 Stevie: and then
  take over peoples minds
 and then
  take over the world.
  I win.
 Tim: The grand canyon and other national parks defy your santamen and christmas trees and start poles
  It would be boring if you took over everyone minds
  they would all think like stevie or as stevie told them to
 Stevie: I know?
  How awesome would that be?
 Tim: We have enough stevens as it is
 Stevie: the world would be
 Tim: you need someone to dominate, or are you planning to cookie cutterize people too?
  harmonious, no, monotonous, yes
 Stevie: I'm at perfect harmony with myself lol
 Tim: Just one repeating scene over and over
 Stevie: you should see me
  I synchronize swim
  with me
  it's stunning.
 Tim: No, you'd go insane and became a start shaped pole weilding cannibal
 Stevie: star*
 Tim: You know its true
  that star shaped pole keeps coming back
  and then one day someone will eat your cookie pole and then what will you do?
  Make another one?
 Stevie: no
  I'll just command someone else to.
 Tim: No, because its too late
 Stevie: mind control.
 Tim: you will be insane and forget how because everything was on autopilot
  and there was only one system that never failed
  and since it never failed noe one bothered learning to fix it
 Stevie: what?
  u talking
  you lost me 8 minutes ago lol
 Tim: and now that its broken your doomed
  Stevie, its obvious you don't know what I'm talking about
 Simply because I have no clue what I'm talking about
 Stevie: and we've only been talking for 10 minutes
  I'ma studyin'
 Tim: You can't understand the thoughts that I can't even make sense of
 Ok I'll leave you alone for now
 But I'm still taking credit for your photo


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