(Looks like we lost one yesterday, ExtremeJengaChamp forgot to post.)
"I don't want to go bungee jumping." I repeated for about the twelfth time.
"Yes, yes you do." Fred insisted. Little bugger.
"Seriously, this is like the time you wanted me to date that one girl Lena so you could call me a mud-blood."
"No way dude, this is completely different." Fred tried to push me into the van but I dodged out of the way. He may have been wrestler, but I was way faster than him.
"That didn't even make any sense, we were both white." I pointed out.
"But she had relatives from Norway." Fred countered, reaching for my arm.
"FRED. PEOPLE FROM NORWAY ARE WHITE." I said, throwing them out of his reach in exasperation.
"Oh. Well then that one was a mistake, but this one will be fun!" He said, pointing to the back of his plush-shark-adorned-truck.
"And that," I said, pointing to his trunk, which was filled with bungee chords and various other pieces of climbing gear he'd been able to finagle from his dad's friend, "is supposed to make me more confident?"
"You're like, a pioneer bro. Going where no man has ever gone before."
"Where none have come back from, you mean." I could see he was determining if he could tie me down to his passenger seat or if I wouldn't co-operate, the roof. He bull-rushed me and I successfully thunked him on the center of his forehead before getting out of the way.
"YOUCH! Did you really just thunk me?" He tackled before I could dodge out of the way, and the two of us rolled around the ground until he eventually got the better of me. It was only a matter of time really. He pinned me to the grass, "Now are you coming with me, or am I going to have to tie you up?"
"Fine. Two conditions."
"One, you do it first while I watch you get injured."
"You mean while I succeed." Fred corrected me, waving a fat finger in front of my face.
"No, get injured. Two, the bridge can't be more then twenty feet off the ground."
"But," Fred looked like someone had taken the color out of his rainbow.
"No buts. Got it?" I hated to reduce the rain from Fred's colorful ambitions, but I would have rather not seen my best friend get killed.
"Fine." He grumbled. But he certainly wasn't happy about it.
2 Tid-Bits:
Hmm...that's odd. I can't comment on my blog (the text box just blanks whatever I typed) but I can comment on yours. Looks like Google is being weird again.
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