Today Google(or Joogle as my Pre-Calc teacher prefers) removed my buzz function from Gmail.
When I got home, I logged on. (Yeah, that's right good luck guessing my password.)
Once online I clicked on Buzz and scrolled through my friends posts, storing information to later use against them in the future. Incriminating chat? Oh yeah. No, I'm kidding, I'm nice, I would never do that... Well...
After finding an appropriate post to comment upon I allowed myself to unravel my inner writer, leaving a sentence or two elaborating upon the issue at hand. It was that important. (No, I don't remember what it was, stop pestering me.)
This post did not go through, but I didn't take much notice. I proceeded to find another topic to comment upon before closing up. However, when it happened again, this time I noticed. I began to grow slightly distressed and refreshed my browser. When I reloaded my screen, hark, the tab had all but disappeared. Deep inside my soul I felt a flutter. Gone. My response?
"Oh-meggghh-aaahhh." Ohh myyyy gooosh. wSH!
A piece of my soul pulled itself from me and flew away into the cool night air, complaining as it fluttered away from the center of my being. An emptiness enveloped me and I had only one remaining response.
Seriously Joogle, you said you were going to do this ages ago. It took you forever to make this change. I'd love if you'd stop torturing me by disallowing me from accessing Google + but really, this should have been gone a long time ago. The way I see it, the faster you eliminate Buzz entirely, the more time you have to work on Google +. Fix it. Make it SAFE. Then for crying out loud let us get on. I implore you.
If you fail to make Google + available for all, there will be consequences to be paid.
Beware, watch your back Joogle.
2 Tid-Bits:
hahahahaha i loved reading this, Stevie:D
Thanks Ariana =)
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