Have you ever wanted your very own laptop? Does your life just stink? Well I'm here to inform you about the latest in human technology, the labtop! What is a labtop you may ask? An excellent question, how convenient that you asked it!
The labtop is the coolest appliance in mankind's history since the invention of the wheel. A modern innovation of human science and natural instincts, the labtop will knock you out of your socks. Quite literally.
The labtop is a multi-feature device.
It is the perfect size to completely dominate your lap as a warm comforting pillow.
Labtops are smart too. They have incredible computing power that surpasses normal standards.
Uhhh... "2+2=5!"
They can work as personal attendant or secretaries as well. You can never be sure what your dog may find out next.
"In Einstein's theory of relativity..."
Do you have a children? Do you need a babysitting for them that night on the town? Never fear! Your labtop is here! The labtop has excellent child occupation capabilities. You need never worry, while they're on the scurry.
Need to do some community service? Kids don't want to do it? Your labtop will the very first object out there actively participating...
"Whut? What do you mean we're supposed to be cleaning up? I'm cleaning up the competition! I mean... 'woof. woof.'"

I highly DOUBT you were able to resist that look, so here is everything you need to know to get your very own labtop.
Please email your order to labtoppweeze@adorableness.com or place your order on this website. http://labtopsrus.com/ If both of those fail... Well just go to your local pound and save a nice old doggy. =)
I'll finalize the deal by showing you the different varieties. Order today and make your life that much better.
1 Tid-Bits:
* sees puppy dog eyes *
* dies *
^describes my reaction to that post.
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