Defend Your Singles... Wut?

Ha, I bet you thought I wasn't going to post today. WRONG SIR.

Today I've been designing a flash gaming website for my tech course. Html. Woot.

I don't know who thought of creating a course for "HTML" and "Java," but let me say up front that I love these people. I love technology so much, probably nearly as much as one of my friends(<-Hilarious. Read it.) hates it. Or as much as it hates her. I get confused about who hates who. Whatever.

So why this randomness tangent regarding Java and Pi and all things delicious? Well, besides the fact that the idea that I get to do what I would probably be doing anyway for a CLASS is awesome, (Meep. Music Theory. Lolz.) today has been an interesting day of typos. Earlier instead of typing "I love Beautiful Pride" <-ARGH I JUST DID IT AGAIN. See? I'm so confused today. Anyway the right sentence is "I love Beautiful Bride" (by Flyleaf, amazing song, look it up). Why I continue to make these types of mistakes remains a mystery. I dreamt about saving my kidnapped friends last night *cough* Jeremy Lee *cough* and then being chased by the criminal. In other words, I slept fine. Why my lack of coherency? I'm going to look back at this post and probably say "WHAT WAS I WRITING?!" That's pretty much been how my day has gone so far.

BACK ON TOPIC. This post stemmed from my spelling error not minutes before I started writing this post. I was searching flash games to add to my website, (oh yeah, feel free to inform me in my noble pursuit) when an ad came up. It was one of those dating for singles things that seem to plague all of humanity and the internet and Ramble, ramble, ramble. Anyway, I paused for a second and I had nice little conversation with my brain.

Brain: Girls, whut?
Me: Whut?
Brain: Whut?
Me: *Slaps self*
Brain: Thanks I needed that. *presses Enter to search*

However, while "my mouth  (or fingers in this case) kept moving (while) my mind went dead." <-Waiting for the End by Linkin Park. This little argument disrupted my consciousness while I continued typing, turning my original intent to search for "Defend Your Castle"...
GAH I DID IT AGAIN. I just typed  "defined your castle."
My original intent to search for "Defend Your Castle" somehow degraded as I read the ad into "Defend Your Singles." The truth of necessity buried within the mis-typed statement made me laugh aloud.
Gah, this post is a whole load of nonsense. I hope you enjoy my confusion on a day like this.

My mind quickly transformed the statement "Defend Your Singles" into "Defend Your Singleness." This is both true and somewhat odd sounding. This statement reminded me of my brother-outlaw's blog In Christ Alone and the book he had started to write called "Guard Their Hearts." Ah, feel the funniness meter drop and the seriousness level rise. Feels good to be back in the saddle. Reflect on that phrase "Defend Your Singleness." It's true and a good meditation. OKAY FINE I'LL GO AWAY. Killjoys.

I really need to go back to coding and stop procrastinating anyways, if you enjoyed the read (though I can't imagine why... don't laugh at me. <-lol) feel free to subscribe by email. Have a lovely winter holiday y'all.

(Don't ask.)


1 Tid-Bits:

Emmie said...

This was both ridiculous and Nice work. And thanks for sharing that link to my blog ;D

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