The Librarians

Gush gush gush.


Gush gush gush.

Having just about gotten up to date with Castle, I was reading through my Facebook when I stumbled across one of my Facebook friends saying something about a show called "The Librarians." Needless to say, the title intrigued me, so I decided to look it up.

Turns out, this show is based on King Arthur/Merlin styled magic based on a group of magic users/librarians who call themselves guardians. It's super interesting conceptually, and I've just begun to dig into it.

I literally watched this trailer and began to feel my insides cry for joy. Science + Comedy + Books + Magic. *melts*

I just watched one of the episodes for the first time and let me just say:

It's super geeky and mystical and fun and I already love it. I mean, with this concept, it'd have to be pretty awful for me not to want to watch it. The lead character is a strong female, Emma Swan styled character that knows how to take charge. They call her Colonel apparently, which just evokes Star Trek feels all over the place.

On a side note, I used to watch Once Upon a Time. I was actually a big fan for a while, but I got really tired of watching the girl who plays Emma because she only has like, two expressions. Maybe four or five if you're feeling really generous. But seriously, at least 50% of the show is her "I'm concerned about this" expression. Not that she doesn't usually have something to be concerned about, but geez, people tend to live a little more in the moment. Sometimes they forget they're concerned.


THE LIBRARIANS. I'm officially found another way waste another 3 hours of my life at least. They've only done one season, but they've been commissioned for a second season.

So we have more books and magic and yesssss to look forward to. If you decide to watch it with me, that is. We'll see whether or not it turns out as glorious as I'm reeeeaaallly hoping it will be.


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