Recently I've been blessed by God's goodness in revealing his presence to me more. I feel spiritually reformed, and am continuing to do so by reading Dug Down Deep and enjoying God through the Bible and Prayer... That having been said, I decided that it was time to make my outer appearance mimic my inner. 

Time to reform.
... Starting with my desk. Meet my desk. He is my friend. He has no name. Name him please.
He is my constantly companion in online adventures, LAN quests, and typing to the galaxy-way... Which is Milky. Nom nom nom.
As you may have noticed... He's trashed. I've been really bad about keeping my desk clean recently, and my OCD impulses haven't been strong enough to fix everything. Well, until now.
Hyperbole and a Half. Yes.
As you can tell, I am messy down to the very detail, the jar has a random orange thingy-majiggy(get jiggy<puff> with it) in it that I have no idea what it belongs to... Oh well. It just proves I am a master of mess. Hoarders of the world unite! (Hoarding is bad children... Usually.)
This is the other side of the desk, equally trashed. Note the random gloves that are a purplish color. Yeah. Those are supposed to be black. Huzzah for fail-image-coloring-camera's-that-are-found-on-phones-and-incredibly-long-hyphened-words!
Pursed lips in a I'm-really-cool(NOT) kind of way. Like my desk, I will be undergoing serious reforms. Yup. It's Haircut Day. Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo doo, doodoodoodoodoo.
This is a disturbing picture. If you can see past the shadows, you'll see my eyes are rolled back. I post it to disturb you. Yup. That's the soul-sole purpose of doing that. Like a shoe-6.
Here's my desk!! No Billy(my imaginary question askether), I didn't turn into a black hole. Nor a vortex. Nor a gateway to the future where hamsters will rule the world. None of those. The problem with the majority of the things on my desk is that they are black. Not that I have anything against the color black. Black people are cool. No, really... Anyway, This picture is pretty much a failure... As is the next.
I promise you it's cleaner... I guess you'll just have to take my word for it... The next picture is from above.
This is my wall of art. I finished hanging the pictures generously contributed by Stephe. If you don't know Stephe... Well you should. LEARN!
It appears I was unfortunate enough to forget to include a picture of my original drawer. It was really messy. I mean, really messy. There could have been a swamp monster hiding amidst all the random cords that I've thrown in there over the past few months. Compare it to a pack of miniature Mr. Sommar's running around with handed in student homework and you have a pretty accurate picture of what it looked like. If you know what that means. Bananas.
This is just for braggery. My monitor is swag. It wears a pack containing 6 pieces of stride gum. Nom nom.
This is my friend Don. More to come on him in future posts.
I will now force you to look adorable by turning your head to see this picture. You're welcome.
I set up a dual-pad setup so I can use two mice at once. Nerd Swagger.
Annnnd as promised I got a haircut. Here's a nice little picture with me saying the word "Whiskey."
I got tired of saying the word "whiskey" and got grumpy. That's totally what happened.
That's abouuuut it. Now ____(insert name of desk here) is cleaned up, I have a haircut, and I've been reformed in my soul. All in all, not so bad of a week. >.<
I wonder if Don is as attracted to me as I am to his big red button... Hmm, this calls for more reflection.
2 Tid-Bits:
You should name him Tom.
Haha, this is wonderfully hilarious and inspiring at the same time. :D Nice desk/wall of art!
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