How NOT to Make Waffles

Today, I'm making waffles... Yeah, I can do that.

1. In the process of mixing, add way too little water. (Just because you mixed it doesn't mean it doesn't need more water. I relearned this the hard way.)
2. Forget to spray the waffle maker with non-stick spray. This will help you to not be able to eat your waffles because they won't come off. Yup.
3. In the second batch when you do spray the waffle maker, be sure to use the only disgusting spray that your household owns. I prefer to use NOT REAL BUTTER SPRAY. IT SMELLS SO TERRIBLE. WHY WOULD THEY MAKE SOMETHING SO AWFUL?!?! IT SMELLS LIKE POPCORN... GONE WRONG. I DIDN'T KNOW POPCORN COULD DO THAT! Hurgahghauigfhwefgwegigweg.
(Sorry, I'm angry.)
4. One of two things will then happen, the waffles will turn white because of the awful disgusting spray, or the waffle maker will lie to you and tell you that it's done when it really isn't. (I haven't decided which one it is.)
Oh, it's turning an unnatural yellow color with random brown crisps.... Yeah, if you want to die eat it now.
I just realized, it's probably taking so long because I added so much stinking water. Ah well, better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all...
After the third time the waffle maker tells me they're done, they are... Well, as close as they'll ever be.
Well, yes I am wearing a hat... but besides that. (That's how I dress on non-school days... Pajama pants and  hats. You learn something new every day.)
Do those waffles on the left look healthy to you!?!...
The terrible image quality doesn't help but I promise you they look vile. Note my concerned expression.
Now the real question...
Do I eat them anyway?
I'd like any of you people on in the morning to assist me in my dilemma. I'm hungry, so please hurry.
Challenge Accepted.


2 Tid-Bits:

Grant Farmer said...

wow, waffle fail. French toast is where it's at, I should teach you my secret recipe.
But yes, you do eat them, you must not put waffle's to waste. And try again tomorrow, as Donkey would say, "And in the morning....I'm making WAFFLES."

Unknown said...

"STEP AWAY FROM THE WAFFLES. DO NOT EAT THE WAFFLES. THE WAFFLES ARE A LIE! Please send relevant samples to EPA, ENHAZ, DHM, and then write up a full report on the BIOHAZ to be faxed to all relevant groups in your jurisdiction."

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